Mary in the Media


  • A Guide to Visitors invited me back in 2014 to tell my story of coming out again. They selected my story as one of the best ever to be told at the event. I’m honored.
  • I appeared twice in 2011 as a storyteller at A Guide to Visitors: Storytelling in Seattle sponsored by a core group from KUOW. It’s a story telling evening centered on selected themes. In 2011 I was invited back as one of the top Ten Stories for 2011.
  • In June of 2013 I was a guest panelist at Town Hall Seattle with Michael D’Antonio, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of, “Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime and the Era of Scandal in the Catholic Church.” The focus was priest sex abuse in the Catholic Church and what can be done to stop it.


  • KING TV 5 – Mar 13, 2013 Gay and lesbian community reacts to election of Pope Francis “people like Mary Dispenza of Bellevue, who was once a devout Catholic. “I grew up Catholic, I went to Catholic elementary school…”
  • KING TV 5 – Domestic Partners Have Some Choices to Make – An interview with domestic partners about the choice they faced when Referendum 74 passed.
  • In addition, I have been featured in TV clips along with other members of SNAP outside the Chancery Department building in Seattle protesting the Bishop’s refusal to release names of priest abusers to the community.


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