Lost and Found: A Children’s Christmas Story of Love and Hope

Lost and Found: A Children's Christmas Story

My friends, I have a very exciting announcement to bring to you during this season of love – the publication of Lost and Found: A Children’s Christmas Story. I finally accomplished something I have always wanted to do — I wrote a children’s book. Lost and Found is my first attempt at writing for children. … Read more

Pope Francis in the US prompts interest in Priest Sexual Abuse

Pope Francis’ visit to the US had me scrambling. Along with others who’ve spoken out about the need for change in the Catholic Church. I had three calls for interviews just before and then during the Pope’s visit. Here are audio clips from two of those. Seattle’s KUOW had me on to talk specifically about … Read more

Sexual Abuse Rings Flourishing Because They’re Good for Business?

Profiting off sexual abuse rings It’s time law enforcement and victims groups took a hard look at the operations surrounding sexual abuse rings. From The Western Daily Press: “Police chiefs in Wiltshire have made six arrests as part of a major day of action against child sexual exploitation to try to prevent ‘another Rotherham’ happening … Read more

John Grisham on child porn: They aren’t ‘real pedophiles’

In an unusual example of book promotion, author John Grisham gave an interview about his novel “Gray Mountain,” that turned instead into a contrarian opinion piece on people who look at child pornography. From The Washington Post He defended them. He described viewing child pornography as an accidental crime easily committed by pushing “the wrong … Read more

Wake Up Vatican: The Scandal of Sexual Abuse by Priests is Far From Over

Once again the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has loudly and clearly insisted that the Vatican and Pope Francis remove all priest child abusers and report them to local law enforcement. The committee further insisted the Vatican open all associated records so that Bishops and other church officials who have contributed … Read more