The Power of Story: Our greatest tool for healing, change & connection

Rudyard Kipling quote - If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.

Stories About Story As I prepared to send out copies of my memoir, SPLIT, A Child, A Priest, and the Catholic Church to reviewers, I decided to include a letter with each one. So last week I worked with a designer to create a letterhead. When she asked if I wanted a tag line on … Read more

Unabashed Book Promotion: My Memoir, SPLIT is Here!

cover of SPLIT by Mary Dispenza

Tooting the horn for SPLIT I’m very happy to announce that my memoir, SPLIT : A child, a priest, and the Catholic Church is now available. The ebook is available from most online booksellers. The triumphant cherub on the cover is blowing her horn just in time for the holiday season. Though SPLIT deals with … Read more